How- to Videos are the proven tool of support service

Videos have proven to be the best among the different support tools for web hosting Companies. As per surveys, 90% of the people like watching videos over any other form of content. Watching a video is a compelling way to know how to do something because the video shows you exactly how you can do it. Visuals make the complicated task easy to understand and replicate. And that’s why they are the most effective tool when it comes to support services.


Why tell anything that you can show


Rising popularity of How to videos

How-to searches are highly popular among web hosting users. Millions of website users type their hosting related queries on search engines per day. Most of the searches are related to issues that are very commonly asked and are easy to answer. Just have a look at the views of video tutorials on How to log in to a particular control panel. Isn’t it an easy question for a staff of support service of hosting company? Still, users prefer tutorials on ‘how to login’ over contacting their web hosting provider. Of course, they find ‘how to videos’ an easier and more effective tool to resolve their queries. And that is why big companies invest a huge amount in creating videos.


How to Videos – A multipurpose tool for Hosting Companies


Another reason for the rising popularity of ‘How to videos’ among Hosting providers is its multipurpose use. The online presence of big companies that has a lion’s share of customers is mostly through videos. Whether it is a tutorial teaching customers how to do a particular thing or a video just explaining one of their products you will find them all over the internet. They use their videos not only to reduce support tickets but also to show their brand to their target customers.


Videos reduce frustration and increase engagement

If a user faces an issue they approach customer support or a search engine for a solution. He calls the support team or creates a support ticket and waits for a response. During this process, he gets frustrated to some level even if his issue has been resolved. After that, he gets disengaged with the support team. On the other hand videos in the knowledgebase of the service provider appear as a source of learning to users. They feel delighted.

How-to videos of the knowledgebase are not limited only to the customer of a company, unlike its support staff. They are also available to others who are prospect customers and can be converted into a client. Videos attract viewers from your niche and help in expanding your customer base.


Building your Video Knowledgebase using How to Videos

When your customer wants to learn something, showing exact ways of doing things increases engagement. Therefore create a knowledgebase that can engage the visitors. Include Video tutorials of your niche and also tutorials that are helpful to your customers.


A good ‘How to video’ is easy to consume

Simple and structured ‘how to videos’ in your knowledgebase attract more and more visitors as they are simple to consume. Videos that use simple language and resolve the issue. Short videos up to 1 min that resolves at least one query receive more views than long and exaggerated videos. This happens because short videos are concise, to the point, and easy to understand.


Useful ‘How to videos’ are preferred over Advertisements

How-to video tutorials do not directly show your product like an advertisement but indirectly show it. Remember, No one likes too much advertisements. Therefore try to be useful. For web hosting and designing-related customers, it is better to resolve their issues while displaying your brand or product. Support videos are a good match for this purpose. Now you support videos that can increase the number of visitors to your website.

  • Organize the videos in the knowledgebase.
  • There should a search bar for users.
  • Search friendly naming of the videos.
  • Use How to videos made by professionals.
  • Avoid homemade videos unless necessary as they are related to your brand image.
  • Select a few videos like ‘how to login’ and attach that video with the email containing login details.
  • Nobody likes advertisements so try to be useful. ‘How to videos’ are a good match for this type of purpose.

The process of building video knowledgebase and utilizing its immensely large usage can be an exhilarating experience. All you need is professionally made How to videos. Whether you want to reduce your support tickets or want to do video marketing of your brand, get started with 15 Free video tutorials from DemoTiger.

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